Community Stories

Community Stories, Education

The Ware Family: Choosing Faith Over Fear

by Joanna Holbert

“We’ve been through three rounds of the lottery and have not received…

Community Stories, Education

Delta Choices: Parents Ask, A School Answers

by Brett Kittredge

Yashica Davenport knew her son needed more attention at school. So as…

Community Stories, Education

Offering school choice to military families will help Mississippi families

by Brett Kittredge

New legislation has been introduced in Congress to expand school choice options to…

Community Stories, Education

Delta Streets Academy: Changing lives. Shaping lives.

by Brett Kittredge

Six years ago this fall, Delta Streets Academy opened its doors for…

Community Stories, Education

A homeschooler’s perspective on school choice

by Empower Mississippi

Is it weird for a homeschooler to be working on education policy?…

Community Stories, Education

“I can’t wait any longer”

by Brett Kittredge

The Mississippi Department of Education recently held a midyear lottery for the…

Community Stories, Education

St. Francis School: A historic mission that is still alive

by Brett Kittredge

Some 67 years ago, three years before the historic Brown vs. Board…

Community Stories, Education

The long road to a high quality education

by Brett Kittredge

100 miles. Each day. That’s the drive for Kim Bolan every weekday…

Community Stories, Education

My kids are in public school. I support school choice.

by Brett Kittredge

Amanda Felder has always wanted the best for her son Max. When…

Community Stories, Education

Being able to choose

by Brett Kittredge

Because of the Education Scholarship Account program, Scott and Monique Pietrowski were…

Community Stories, Education

Making Choices, Making Sacrifices

by Brett Kittredge

Erica Howard lives less than a mile from her local district school…

Community Stories, Education

Homeschooling Is My School Choice

by Brett Kittredge

“We were not going be those people” was how Tracy Craig summed…