Delta Streets Academy: Changing lives. Shaping lives.

Six years ago this fall, Delta Streets Academy opened its doors for the first time to 14 young men in the 7th and 8th grades. The school is housed at First Baptist Church in Greenwood. Its mission? To provide a well-rounded, high quality education to families in and around the city. A city whose district…

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A homeschooler’s perspective on school choice

Is it weird for a homeschooler to be working on education policy? I can’t tell you how many times I asked myself that question. It’s one that took me a while to answer, but I would like to share why a little girl who was homeschooled her entire life is now working to change the…

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“I can’t wait any longer”

The Mississippi Department of Education recently held a midyear lottery for the Education Scholarship Account program. Over 350 families were hoping to receive a scholarship. Just 90 seats were available. Jamie Farnham, unfortunately, was not lucky enough to be one of the 90. But even with the disappointing news, Jamie is determined to do what…

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Charter schools win lawsuit. What does it mean?

This week, charter schools in Mississippi were victorious after a Hinds County judge found state law requiring local ad valorem tax dollars to follow charter students constitutional. Mississippi is one of 43 states with laws allowing public charter schools to open.  Charter schools are free, public schools with some freedom from traditional regulations.  They are…

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President Trump’s budget expands educational freedom

President Donald Trump’s 2019 budget request would provide more choice for families across the country by expanding educational opportunities nationwide. The budget proposal allocates $1.5 billion in support of public and private school choice options, including a new private school scholarship program and an increase in funding for charter schools. Specifically, the budget: Expands both…

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St. Francis School: A historic mission that is still alive

Some 67 years ago, three years before the historic Brown vs. Board ruling desegregating public schools in America, the Franciscan Friars of the Assumption BVM Province, Franklin, Wisconsin in collaboration with the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis, Garfield Heights, Ohio opened a Catholic school in Greenwood, Mississippi. The mission?…

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The long road to a high quality education

100 miles. Each day. That’s the drive for Kim Bolan every weekday to the 3-D School in Petal from her home in northern Wayne County near the Desoto National Forest. It’s not an easy drive. It’s not a drive most parents would like to make each day. But Kim does it so her son with…

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