Henry Barbour, Republican National Committeeman from Yazoo City
For the last 19 years, Henry Barbour has served as Committeeman from Mississippi on the Republican National Committee, a role that has given him a front row seat to the American political scene, and not just as an observer. He’s advised presidents and governors – most notably his uncle Haley Barbour and former Texas Governor Rick Perry – and has become a savvy political operative that has demonstrated his ability to win elections and issue campaigns across the country.
I invited him on the podcast to get his perspective on the craziness of our national political scene, what it’s been like to serve on the RNC during this very tumultuous era, and to discuss the 2024 presidential election. I have long respected Barbour for his bridge-building approach to politics, the “politics of addition, not division,” as he put it, and this conversation did not disappoint. Tune in to learn why he’s not a fan of former President Trump but is supporting him in November nonetheless.