
Education, Your Story

Save Our ESA: ‘If the ESA went away it would be a blow to the gut’

by Joanna Holbert

“People want to say, ‘You’re choosing private school.’ No, I’m not choosing…

Education, Your Story

Save Our ESA: “Some of us just can’t put our kids in public school. We have to have a choice.”

by Joanna Holbert

“The ESA is a blessing. It’s very, very scary to think that…

Education, Your Story

Save Our ESA: “We will do what we have to do for our daughter”

by Joanna Holbert

“About 85 percent of parents of kids with special needs end up…

Education, Your Story

Save Our ESA: Jalyn finds a home and an education

by Joanna Holbert

“We overwhelmingly felt like somebody had to fight for these kids. Even…

Education, Your Story

Save Our ESA: These kids are going to grow up to be productive citizens because of the ESA

by Joanna Holbert

“I’m a public school teacher and I got a $1,000 raise over…


School Choice By the Numbers

by Elyse Marcellino

Over 4,500 students this year have what’s known as school choice or…


Mississippi’s Ninth Charter School is Approved

by Elyse Marcellino

Today, Mississippi’s charter authorizer board approved the ninth charter school in the…


MS Supreme Court rules in favor of public charter school funding

by Elyse Marcellino

Today, the Mississippi Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of charter school funding,…


Waitlisted Families to Receive ESAs

by Joanna Holbert

Mississippi families who have been waitlisted for years hoping to receive a Special…


The ESA Program Is Working. Why Is It So Small?

by Elyse Marcellino

Just before the end of the 2019 legislative session, the state legislature…


Legislature Creates Additional ESA Scholarships

by Joanna Holbert

March 29, 2019 Approximately 300 New Seats Added to the Program Today,…

Education, Your Story

The Byrds: The System Is Not Working for Our Daughter

by Joanna Holbert

“Being born with a disability should not mean you have to pay…