Celebrate Children, Celebrate Choice
This week we are celebrating School Choice Week in the state of Mississippi.
But what is school choice? School choice is about empowering parents with the freedom to use their tax dollars to choose the best educational setting for their child. This week, we are not just promoting or advocating for one specific piece of legislation. We are raising public awareness on school choice and celebrating all types of choices in education for children in Mississippi.
We are celebrating the work that has been done, while also acknowledging we have not done enough until every parent in the state of Mississippi has access to a high quality education.
Here is a look at the school choice policies in place in Mississippi:
Charter Schools: Public charter schools have been available in Mississippi for two years. Based on model legislation developed out of best practices from around the country, Mississippi has a rigorous and accountable process to ensure that only the highest quality charter schools will be authorized. There are currently three schools available in Jackson, with a fourth set to open next year. Charter school applicants in school districts rated D and F can apply directly to the State Authorizing Board for approval and charter schools are open to any student in the district, or any student who attends a district rated C, D, or F. You can learn more here.
Dyslexia Scholarship: Mississippi’s first private school choice program, the Dyslexia Scholarship, was established in 2012. Under this program, students who are in first through sixth grade and have been screened properly and diagnosed with dyslexia are eligible for a voucher in an amount equal to the Mississippi Adequate Education Program base student cost, which is around $5,000. Students are currently using these scholarships to attend Magnolia Speech School, New Summit School, North New Summit School, and The 3-D School. You can learn more here.
Education Scholarship Account: The Special Needs ESA program was established in 2015, and expanded in 2016, to provide children with special needs an opportunity to attend a private school if they are not being well-served in their current educational setting. This program is truly innovative in treating students as individuals with unique needs and equipping parents with the tools to help them meet those needs. Funds can be used on a variety of educational expenses, including private school tuition and fees, therapy, tutoring, etc. You can learn more here.
Homeschooling: Mississippi has some of the most parent friendly homeschool laws in the country with minimal amount of regulation from the state. You can learn more here.
Public School Open Enrollment: Students wishing to attend another school district can do so, but need approval from both the ‘sending’ or home district and the ‘receiving’ district.
Virtual School: The Mississippi Virtual Public School offers a rigorous online curriculum to students in 6-12. Participation in this program is determine by each district. Students are eligible to take two online courses per year. Though limited, this school has been a very popular option for families in Mississippi. You can learn more here.
To stay connected with what is happening in Jackson and up to date with the school choice and education reform movement in Mississippi, Join The Movement today.