SB 2179: The Tim Tebow Act
Senate Bill 2179, sponsored by Sen. Dennis DeBar, would allow homeschool students to participate in public school extracurricular activities, including sports. Often dubbed the Tim Tebow Act after the Heisman quarterback who was homeschooled but able to play football for his local high school in Florida, similar legislation has been moving across the country to…
HB 729: The Tim Tebow Act
House Bill 729, sponsored by Rep. Jonathan Lancaster, would allow homeschool students to participate in public school extracurricular activities, including sports. Often dubbed the Tim Tebow Act after the Heisman quarterback who was homeschooled but able to play football for his local high school in Florida, similar legislation has been moving across the country to…
HB 98: Full practice authority for nurse practitioners
House Bill 98, authored by Rep. Donnie Scoggin, would provide full practice authority to nurse practitioners in Mississippi. Currently, a nurse practitioner is required to enter into a collaborative agreement with a physician. This bill would exempt nurse practitioners from that requirement after 3,600 hours of practice. Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) would be exempted…
SB 2689: Replace end of course tests with national testing options
Senate Bill 2689, sponsored by Sen. Dennis DeBar, would remove the public school graduation requirement that students must pass certain standardized end-of-course tests created by the state Department of Education. Instead, they would be required to pass a nationally recognized exam, such as the ACT. The bill would call upon the Mississippi Department of Education…
HB 1609: Restore voting rights of former non-violent offenders
House Bill 1609, sponsored by Rep. Kabir Karriem, would automatically restore the voting rights of those who have served time for certain non-violent convictions. Under the proposal, Mississippi’s long list of disenfranchising crimes would be narrowed and those who have been found guilty of non-violent offenses and completed their sentence will have their voting rights…
SB 2574: Expand the Fresh Start Act
Senate Bill 2574, sponsored by Sen. John Horhn, expands the Fresh Start Act to make it easier for someone with a criminal record to be approved for an occupational license when the past crime doesn’t directly relate to the license for which the person is applying, or if the crime occurred long ago. The Fresh…
HB 1303: Expand the Fresh Start Act
House Bill 1303, sponsored by Rep. Shanda Yates, expands the Fresh Start Act to make it easier for someone with a criminal record to be approved for an occupational license when the past crime doesn’t directly relate to the license for which the person is applying, or if the crime occurred long ago. The Fresh…
SB 2442: Establish the Prison-to-Paycheck Pipeline Pilot Program
Senate Bill 2442, sponsored by Sen. Juan Barnett, would create the post-release service pilot program designed to reduce recidivism by providing a variety of support services to people who leave prison. The program will offer help provide connections to employment, housing, drug and alcohol counseling, family reunification guidance, anger management counseling, personal finance and budgeting,…
HB 1683: Expand opportunity for establishment of charter schools
House Bill 1683, sponsored by Rep. Jansen Owen, would make several changes to Mississippi’s charter school law designed to expand the establishment of charters in the state. Charter schools are public schools. Like other public schools, they don’t charge tuition. They must accept all students who apply, limited only by grades served, space available, and…
HB 1600: Post-Release Services Pilot Program
House Bill 1600, sponsored by Rep. Becky Currie, would create the post-release service pilot program designed to reduce recidivism by providing a variety of support services to people who leave prison. The program will offer help provide connections to employment, housing, drug and alcohol counseling, family reunification guidance, anger management counseling, personal finance and budgeting,…