Senate Education Committee kills nomination of Carra Powell

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Statement from Grant Callen, Founder & CEO of Empower Mississippi, on the decision by the Senate Education Committee to kill the nomination of Carra Powell for the State Board of Education:

“Make no mistake, this was a vote against parents, students, and education freedom.

Carra Powell was a supremely qualified candidate for the state board of education. She’s a Mississippian with deep roots and has spent her 20+ year career advocating for education opportunity. She is a single mom with two children who graduated—and one more graduating soon—from DeSoto County Public Schools, but her children’s education journey was not always a smooth road. She’s an advocate for great public schools, but knows first-hand that not every student thrives in the same setting. Powell’s story is a very Mississippi story, and I strongly believe she would have been a great representative on the State Board of Education for families who similarly struggle to find the right educational fit.

We are disappointed that Lt. Governor Hosemann and Chairman DeBar allowed her confirmation to be defeated.”