SB 2631: Restore voting rights of former non-violent offenders


Senate Bill 2631, sponsored by Sen. Juan Barnett, would automatically restore the voting rights of those who have served time for certain non-violent convictions.  

Under the proposal, Mississippi’s long list of disenfranchising crimes would be narrowed and those who have been found guilty of non-violent offenses and completed their sentence will have their voting rights automatically restored after five years, as long as no new crimes are committed. 

The restoration of voting rights is a key element of rehabilitation for ex-offenders, including community reintegration. In interviews with 33 people convicted of a felony, conducted as part of a larger research project, the right to vote was a fundamental component of developing a pro-social identity, whereas being restricted from voting reinforced an outsider status—feeling like a partial citizen. Interviewees also linked civic participation with intentions to remain crime free. The study also stressed how civic reintegration contributes to forming identities as law-abiding citizens which aids in the desistance from crime.  

It’s also a public safety issue. According to one study, individuals who had their voting rights restored post-incarceration were found to have a lower likelihood of re-arrest compared to similarly-situated individuals in states which continued to restrict the right to vote after incarceration. 

Empower Mississippi supports this legislation

Senate Bill 2631 died in committee on February 4.