SB 2290: Improve Mississippi’s labor force participation rate


Senate Bill 2290, sponsored by Sen. Daniel Sparks, would create a “Task Force to Study Work Force and Social Service Reform and Implementation of a One Door Policy.” 

Under the proposed legislation, the task force would develop recommendations relative to increasing the labor force participation rate in Mississippi, as well as raising the earning capacity of working Mississippians through training and education for high wage, high demand, priority sector jobs in the state.

Despite historic economic development successes and record-low unemployment rates, the number of people working and/or looking for employment in Mississippi consistently lags the region and nation. Mississippi’s average labor force participation rate of 53.9 percent places the state at the bottom of U.S. rankings. Mississippi’s economy is growing, but this trend must change for the state to reach its full economic potential.

Last August, Empower released our first report on Mississippi’s labor force participation rate with the goal of identifying barriers to employment in Mississippi. Our second report draws from the data we collected in the first and offers select policy recommendations to improve Mississippi’s labor force participation rate.

Empower Mississippi supports this legislation

Senate Bill 2290 has passed the Senate and now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration. You can read the bill here